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A word cloud in a Woman Face shape, featuring 38 words such as Java, Eclipse, Eclipse RCP, Software Development, OOP.
A word cloud by @46b6503

About This Word Cloud

This word cloud has 38 words, arranged in a Woman Face shape:

JavaEclipseEclipse RCPSoftware DevelopmentOOPTDDQualitätssicherungTestmanagementScrum MasterPSM IScrum DeveloperSAFeWebentwicklungCoremedia CMSJIRABitBucketContinues IntegrationTMTGitJavaScript

hibernateSQLOracleJava SpringTibco RendezvousJSPSwing/AWTSonar QubeJenkinsDispositionssystemeBahnbrancheMedienMedieninformatikPortalentwicklungRedaktionssystemeJUnitRESTMediatheken

More word clouds by @46b6503

A word cloud in a Woman Face shape, featuring 38 words such as Java, Eclipse, Eclipse RCP, Software Development, OOP.
A word cloud in a Woman Face shape, featuring 38 words such as Java, Eclipse, Eclipse RCP, Software Development, OOP.

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