Collaborative Word Clouds: Create, Share, and Engage! BETA

Welcome to Collaborative Word Clouds! Easily create, edit, and share word clouds in real-time with colleagues, students, or your audience. Whether you're a teacher sparking discussions, a presenter seeking audience input, or simply brainstorming with peers, this tool fosters collective creativity and insight.

Key Features

  • Real-Time Collaboration: Instantly see contributions from multiple users.
  • Seamless Sharing: Share a link and invite others to join in the creation process.
  • Visualize Collective Input: Watch words grow in real-time as contributions accumulate.
  • Versatile Applications: Perfect for classrooms, conferences, brainstorming sessions, and more.

Your word clouds

No clouds just yet…

You participated in these word clouds

No clouds just yet…

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

How does collaboration work?

Use the button above to create a new collaborative word cloud. You will be assigned "host" to that cloud. Then simply share the link or display the QR code to let others participate.

Don't forget to set a meaningful title, then your guests will know what to do.

All participants will see updates in real time! It is very convenient to use in an online classroom, during a conference, or to brainstorm with colleagues.

Hint: open the shared link in an incognito tab to see what it looks like for a guest user!

Should I create an account to participate?

As a guest, you can participate in editing someone else's cloud without logging in. You'll be prompted to enter a handle (username). If you are logged in, great, that works, too!

As a host, you have to be logged in to oversee the collaborative word cloud. Participants will see your handle (username) upon joining.

Hint: if you're logged in, you can manage your handle by visiting your account page.

What can I do as a host?

As a host of a collaborative word cloud, you can:

  • See the beautiful word cloud changing and shaping in real time!
  • Assign the title of the word cloud
  • Add your own words
  • Invite others to participate in the word cloud
  • See all guest participants
  • See all words with statistics (which users added this word)
  • Moderate: remove someone else's word
  • Adjust the palette and fonts of the word cloud.

What can I do as a guest?

As an invited user, you can:

  • See the beautiful word cloud update in real time!
  • See how many others are editing together with you
  • Add and delete your own words.

Why are collaborative word clouds marked as BETA?

The collaborative word cloud feature is currently in beta, which means it's a new addition to our platform. During this phase, there may be occasional bugs or areas where usability can be improved.

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for enhancements, please don't hesitate to reach out at Your feedback helps us refine and enhance the feature!

Is this feature free to use?

Yes, collaborative word clouds are currently free to use while in beta!

However, once the feature is out of beta, it may become available exclusively to Pro or Premium users. To not lose access to your collaborative word clouds, please consider upgrading now!

Go Pro