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Renaissance MasterChiaroscuroInventiveMeticulous DetailRealistic FiguresNatural LightSfumato TechniqueAnatomical PrecisionSubtle ColoringIntricate BackgroundsEmotional DepthIntriguing CompositionHigh RenaissanceRealismIdealizationAtmospheric PerspectiveOil PaintingInfluentialSpatial HarmonyScientific Observation
Linear PerspectiveHarmonious CompositionAtmospheric IllusionLayered TextureSculptural ApproachDelicate ShadingEvocative MoodDepth and DimensionIntimate PortraitsContrasting LightMasterful BrushstrokesMystical LandscapesFaded BoundariesHuman ExpressionLuminous EffectsInnovation in ArtFine DetailPioneering StylePainter, InventorDecoding NatureTechnical BrillianceComplex FormsCrosshatchingAnalytical MindExpressive FacesBalanced StructureRhythmic DesignHistorical InfluenceLast Supper GeniusMona Lisa's Smile
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