Biblical quotes

A word cloud , featuring 40 words such as Blessed are the Meek, Love Your Neighbor , Walk by Faith, Fruit of the Spirit, In His Image.
A word cloud by @bffdcbf

About This Word Cloud

This word cloud has 40 words:

Blessed are the MeekLove Your Neighbor Walk by FaithFruit of the SpiritIn His ImageGod is LoveFear NotBy His StripesFaith Moves MountainsLion of JudahLove is PatientSeek First His KingdomI Can Do All ThingsChosen by GodDo Unto OthersThe Lord is my ShepherdPray Without CeasingSalt of the EarthLight of the WorldAsk and You Shall Receive

Trust in the LordGod's GraceForgive Those Who SinEverlasting LifeLamb of GodGood Shepherd Bread of LifeAlpha and OmegaThe Last SupperResurrection Great I AMKing of KingsCrown of ThornsWashed in the BloodLiving WaterArmor of GodProphet's VoiceWay, Truth, LifeGospel TruthHoly Spirit

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