The Amazon Rainforest

A word cloud in a Frog shape, featuring 57 words such as bullet ant, Polistes wasp, Polybia wasp, great potoo, paraque.
A word cloud by @cf820e8

About This Word Cloud

This word cloud has 57 words, arranged in a Frog shape:

bullet antPolistes waspPolybia waspgreat potooparaqueblack caimanred uakarianacondatiti monkeytrap jaw antred-capped cardinalvermilion flycatchercanary-winged parakeetamazon manateeleaf-cutter antcapybarawhite-lipped peccarybrown capuchin monkeyornate hawk eaglepit viper

slothtamarinred-tailed boa constrictorparadise tanagerblack-fronted nunbirdlantern flytailless whip-scorpionrhinoceros beetlebronzy jacamarwhite-eared jacamarchestnut-eared aracariwoolly monkeyred-mantled howlermonk sakisaddleback tamarinwhite-fronted capuchintamanduatropidacris grasshopperking vulturesnail kitepoison dart frogowl monkeylaughing falconhorned screamerboat-billed heronwire-tailed manakintoucancotingasquirrel monkeyhoatzinpygmy marmosetwattled jacanaringed kingfisherlineated woodpeckersulphury flycatcherbuff-throated saltatorblack-collared hawk

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