This word cloud has 29 words, arranged in a Heart shape:
found a love for meOh, darling, just dive right iWell, I found a girl, beautifuOh, I never knew you were the 'Cause we were just kids when I will not give you up this tiOh, darling, just kiss me slowAnd in your eyes, you're holdiBaby, I'm dancin' in the dark Barefoot on the grass while liWhen you said you looked a mesBut you heard it, "Darling, yoWell, I found a woman, strongeShe shares my dreams, I hope tI found a love to carry more tTo carry love, to carry childrWe are still kids, but we're sI know we'll be alright this tDarling, just hold my hand, beI see my future in your eyes
Oh, baby, I'm dancin' in the dWhen I saw you in that dress, I don't deserve this, darling,No, no, noMm, ohBarefoot on the grass, oh, lisI have faith in what I see, noAn angel in person, and she loThough I don't deserve this, y
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