AI-generated: phrases connected to New year and Christmas

A word cloud in a Dragon shape, featuring 50 words such as Snowflakes, Gift giving, Jingle Bells, Midnight Kiss, New Year's Resolution.
A word cloud by @6bb37c4

About This Word Cloud

This word cloud has 50 words, arranged in a Dragon shape:

SnowflakesGift givingJingle BellsMidnight KissNew Year's ResolutionDeck the HallsFestive FeastMerry ChristmasHappy New YearSanta ClausWinter WonderlandChampagne ToastChristmas CarolSnowball FightTimes SquareHoliday CheerBoxing DayFamily GatheringAdvent CalendarChristmas Star

Elf on the ShelfMistletoe Kiss Eggnog ToastYear-End PartyFrosty the SnowmanReindeer GamesFeliz Navidad Joyful JanuaryFirst FootingChristmas PuddingTwelve Days of ChristmasRoasted ChestnutsSilent NightTimes Square Ball DropHoliday HamChristmas TreeSugarplum DreamsGratitudePeace on EarthGood TidingsSanta's WorkshopChilly NightsGlistening SnowFireplace StoriesHoliday SeasonWrapped in JoyHoliday MemoriesWinter SolsticeGift BoxesDashing Through The Snow

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