Auschwitz Word Collage - Grant Gerhardt

Word cloud featuring 27 words such as Auschwitz, Sachsengaenger, June 14,1940.
A word cloud by @ca306d9

About This Word Cloud

This word cloud has 27 words:

AuschwitzSachsengaengerJune 14,1940Arbeit Macht Frei1.3 million deaths2,819 survivorsMusselmannerHeinrich HimmlerRudolf HoessBirkenauPaul Blobel5 crematoriums, "Crematoria"Murder InstallationZyklon B GasLargest Concentration CampMonowitzAdolf HitlerNazi GermanyHolocaustJewish

JewsPolandGerman Invasion of PolandWWIIKrakowLiberationFreedom

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