Copy of Copy3 of Thanks Mr McG

Word cloud in a Penguin shape featuring 2 words such as THANKS, 2020-2024.
A word cloud by @7576fc5

About This Word Cloud

This word cloud has 2 words, arranged in a Penguin shape:


This word cloud has 63 pinned words:

PenguinsThank YouDave n PaulDaisyoApproachableEncouragingnomatopoeiaOGCSEsOscarPoppyThe Life of BrianKindMr McGLegendCalmingWittyBalancedN

IcCChip StealerInspiringTHANK YOUGenuineStarfishConversation CubesCompassionateCaringAppreciatedAerosListened toMeet n GreetDependableCommittedLaughterPlastic AnimalsDedicatedNon-JudgementalFUNNYAttentiveExceptionalGood ListenerDiet CokeEND OFYEARCAKESticky Squishy BearsFunky socksFunHUMOUR2020-2024STORIESHelpfulLEGENDTHEMIKEMini FridgeHumourTHANKSOnomatopoeia

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