Word Clouds by @672cf46
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Copy of beat, piano, forte, melody, rhythm, rest, tempo, treble, bass, scale, quarter note, eigth note, sixteenth note, chord, dynamics, crescendo, decrescendo, phrase, interval, key signature, staff, notation, measure, harmony, arpeggio, syncopatio beat, piano, forte, melody, rhythm, rest, tempo, treble, bass, scale, quarter note, eigth note, sixteenth note, chord, dynamics, crescendo, decrescendo, phrase, interval, key signature, staff, notation, measure, harmony, arpeggio, syncopatio Copy of beat, piano, forte, melody, rhythm, rest, tempo, treble, bass, scale, quarter note, eigth note, sixteenth note, chord, dynamics, crescendo, decrescendo, phrase, interval, key signature, staff, notation, measure, harmony, arpeggio, syncopatio beat, piano, forte, melody, rhythm, rest, tempo, treble, bass, scale, quarter note, eigth note, sixteenth note, chord, dynamics, crescendo, decrescendo, phrase, interval, key signature, staff, notation, measure, harmony, arpeggio, syncopatio @672cf46 recently liked:
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