sleep science

A word cloud, featuring 50 words such as Deep sleep, REM stage, Neurons, Insomnia, Sleep apnea.
A word cloud by @ice.lenor PREMIUM

This word cloud uses 50 words

Deep sleepREM stageNeuronsInsomniaSleep apneaDreamsHypersomniaSleep deprivationCircadian rhythmsMelatoninSleep disordersNarcolepsyRestless leg syndromeParasomniasNightmaresSleep cycleSleep paralysisLight exposureJet lagSleepwalkingBrainwavesNocturnalBio-clockBedtime routineSleep qualitySleep hygieneBlue lightSleep durationLucid dreamingSleep stagesNight sweatsSleep talkingPineal glandSleep studyNegative sleep inertiaSleep latencyMicrosleepsNapsSleep environmentNocturiaSleep trainingNight terrorChronotypeSleep efficiencyRapid eye movementsAwakeningElectroencephalogramPolyphasic sleepDrowsinessSleep onset

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