Top 80 Cocktails

Word cloud in a Drink Glass Cocktail shape featuring 80 words such as Jungle Bird, Long Island Iced Tea, Gin Gin Mule.

About This Word Cloud

Here are our top cocktails of 2022. Have you tried them all? No? What are you waiting for?

This word cloud has 80 words, arranged in a Drink Glass Cocktail shape:

Jungle BirdLong Island Iced TeaGin Gin MuleWhite LadyEl DiabloCosmopolitanZombieHanky PankyVodka MartiniCaipirinhaTom CollinsBambooTommy’s MargaritaLast WordIrish CoffeeAviationSidecarPornstar MartiniPiña ColadaBellini

Brandy CrustaBrambleGin FizzRum Old FashionedAmaretto SourAmericanoVieux CarréPisco SourPalomaFrench 75SazeracMai TaiBoulevardierClover ClubCorpse ReviverDark ’n’ StormyPenicillinMoscow MuleGimletBloody MaryMojitoAperol SpritzManhattanWhiskey SourEspresso MartiniMargaritaDry MartiniDaiquiriNegroniOld FashionedPisco PunchPainkillerHanky-PankyBee’s KneesChampagne CocktailBlood & SandMonkey GlandMitch MartiniBrandy AlexanderJapanese SlipperGreyhoundHedgerow SlingCaipiríssimaLynchburg LemonadeTequila SunriseJohn CollinsDubonnetSex On The BeachLemon DropBijouWhisky MacBloody CaesarMartinezRed SnapperRusty NailRickeyCaipiroskaFrench MartiniDark & StormyGin Martini

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