Top 50 Music Genres

Word cloud in a Grand Piano shape featuring 50 words such as Afrobeat, Alternative, Ambient.

About This Word Cloud

There are possibly more music genres in the world than grains of sand on the beach, but here is our top 50 🎵 list.

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This word cloud has 50 words, arranged in a Grand Piano shape:

AfrobeatAlternativeAmbientArabesqueBluesBossa NovaChansonChill-outClassicalCountryDeath metalDiscoDubstepElectronicelevator musicFlamencoFolkFunkHardcoreHip-Hop

HouseIndieIndustrialInstrumentalJ-popJazzK-popLatinLo-fiLoungeMetalmusic genresNew waveNew-ageNoiseOldiesOperaPopPsychedelic rockPunk rockR&BReggaeRockSambaSkaSoulSynth-popTechnoTranceYodeling

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